Book a 1-on-1 session

Consulting Call

Book a 90-minute Zoom call with me to discuss photography, business, design or anything else you’re curious about. Availability is limited to 4 spots per month.

Price: $299 CAD/session

As seen on:

Frequently Asked Questions

  • This service is for anyone who wants to pick my brain about topics like photography, business, design, Instagram or any other topic you're curious about. I will share everything I know about each topic to help you reach your goals.

    • 1x 90-Min Video Call (over Zoom)

    • Summary with notes & action items

    • Call recording available afterwards

  • Absolutely! If you want actionable feedback on your photography, website or social media - let me know!

Still have questions?

I’d love to hear from you! Get in touch and we can chat details. 🤙